Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can you hear it ?

Mary had a little lamb, His fleece was white as snow

Every where that lamb was found the trumpet He did Blow!

I can hear the sound of that trumphet now,.. as it rezonates so

As I listen to the trumpet, I think, my Lord they don’t know

He say’s to me, I have told them what things they need let go

But they are in love with the other man that blew it years ago !

I tell you this this very night

That God is coming soon

It will not be when you expect it no

It will be very very soon

He has spoke of this very time

that He will come as the GROOM

Will you be ready to recieve the GIFT,

or will you scream out IT’S TO SOON ?

By: Bishop Chrystal Welch

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