Saturday, March 12, 2011

" Purpose & Destiny "

In (Matt 22:14),.. The Word’s states that many are called but few are chosen. The Called are a chosen generation that are willing, obedient and choose to be called. To take the good news to whom ever they come in contact with. The call is not given unto any man for himself only, but that he would join together in building the kingdom of heaven. The Called are anointed and appointed,…. (Luke 4:18) to preach, bring healing, to set the captives free, and to bring recovery of sight to the blind. The call is allowing God to use you us as a vessel to reach a dieing generation today in bringing revelation of The Christ alive and available to all man. (Matthew 21:20) The called realize that the time is now! The called speak the oracles of God in manifestation. The call is the scripture being fulfilled today. The Call consist of believing that The Word is and does what it says it will do and that The Word is ( Heb. 4:12) alive , power and sharper than any two edged sword! In reference to The Call I must say that I know from the above scripture that I am called of God. I am called to spread the gospel, to walk in the great commission and to teach others to walk in the fullest capacity of the call on their lives as well. I am called of God to set the captive free! As a called believer of God I must guard my call, I guard my call by walking in faith by stirring up the gift that is in me and also by walking in boldness and confidence (2nd Timothy 1: 5-7). I can’t walk in the fullness of the call until I have a vision of what the call is, (Prov 29:18). With out vision I will stumble and cause others to stumble as well. I must take the vision write it down and hide it in my heart. I must live the truth and be a doer of the Word that others may see the Glory of God and receive the confidence in knowing that they also are called of God. With out a vision we are the direct opposite of God who created us to be like, Him (Gen 1:26-27).I must constantly tell my mind that I am called and will walk in the Call. I must realize that vision and direction come from the word of God. I know that vision is a light unto me and direction is the path that I must walk on to fulfill the call on my life. I must be fully persuaded of the power of the Word of God and its connection with the call to perform the purpose and destiny that I am walking in. I must have faith in the call to be able to bring to life purpose and destiny to the many that are yet ignorant of the call of God for them. To walk in this faith I must have an intiment relationship with God. Walking close with God and studying His Word gives me a deeper revelation of the power of the work of the cross and in this revelation I find my purpose and destiny. I know that Christ is the solution to any problem and the power of the call on my life will bring forth revelation to millions that will begin to walk in their call. In this we will see that we are created to see the future and to teach others of this knowledge. I want to make known the mystery of Christ! which is the Word in manifestation. I know that the highest thing that God can give me is The Word. There is no alternative to the Word of God. I want to share that I have found a cure all and that is the call, vision, THE WORD! (1st Cor. 1:3-6) I know that the entrance of God’s Word brings light, knowledge, revelation, and it brings to me light in that Christ lives in and through me. I know that the enemy wants to steal this revelation, purpose and call from me. His tactic is to delay or stop the call. I will experience opposition but I must remember that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). We have to allow the devil to talk us into saying yes to forfeiting the call; he does this by using people and spirits to work through us. It is vital that we see people through the eyes of Christ so that we do not become offended and stumble. The plan of the enemy is void once we get a revelation of Christ living in and working through us. The Enemy can only do what we allow him to do in our lives. We are to give no place to the enemy because he has no place in us though he will try to convince us that he has a place in us “He is a liar”. The devil is after our purpose, the promise. (2nd Thes. 2:7-8) Shows us how to fight the good fight of faith,…… through the manifested Word of God working in my life. I must constantly cast down every vein imagination that exalts itself against the Word of God. We have the authority to tell the devil to shut up! We must restrain the enemy and just say NOOO!! I know that part of my purpose is to restrain the devil; sin, sickness, disease, etc. We are watchmen that need to get up and watch (Hab 2:1-4) write down the vision and lead people through into the call on there lives that they not perish but begin to live by faith. We must lead by example we have a purpose our life is a life of occupation, creativity, anointing, and revelation. This is vision; The Word, which is the full counsel of God. In the full counsel of God we are positioned to set the captives free through the power of God working in and through us. He gave us this power that we might be proof providers to show off our God and to multiply purpose and destiny in others. In walking in the call, purpose and destiny that God has given me I can see the big picture “The great commission” which will allow me to be a part of the global harvest.

As I do this I can see the plan of God unfold in my own life as well as my family. I have been given such a huge burden to see the many that suffer form ignorance of the TRUTH as I also did until my purpose was revealed to me. I can say that I am a miracle worker who has revelation of the call of God on my life that will cause others to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and they will inturn make disciples!!

Bishop Chrystal Welch

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