Sunday, March 13, 2011

“Prophetic Vision”

Webster defines vision as follows;

1. A vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death".

2. The ability to see; the faculty of vision.

3. The perceptual experience of seeing; "the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision"; "he had a visual sensation of intense light".

4. The power of imagination; "popular imagination created a world of demons".

5. A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance; "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary".

Vines Expository defines vision as follows;

chazon OT:2377, "vision." None of the 34 appearances of this word appear before First Samuel, and most of them are in the prophetic books.

Chazon almost always signifies a means of divine revelation. First, it refers to the means itself, to a prophetic "vision" by which divine messages are communicated: "The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth" Ezek 12:22. Second, this word represents the message received by prophetic "vision": "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he" Prov 29:18. Finally, chazon can represent the entirety of a prophetic or prophet's message as it is written down: "The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz..." Isa 1:1. Thus the word inseparably related to the content of a divine communication focuses on the means by which that message is received: "And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision" 1 Sam 3:1-- the first occurrence of the word. In Isa 29:7 this word signifies a non-prophetic dream.

chizzayon OT:2384, "vision." This noun, which occurs 9 times, refers to a prophetic "vision" in Joel 2:28: "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." Chizzayon refers to divine communication in 2 Sam 7:17 (the first biblical occurrence) and to an ordinary dream in Job 4:13.

B. Verb.

chazah OT:2372, "to see, behold, select for oneself." This verb appears 54 times and in every period of biblical Hebrew. Cognates of this word appear in Ugaritic, Aramaic, and Arabic. It means "to see or behold" in general Prov 22:29, "to see" in a prophetic vision Num 24:4, and "to select for oneself" Ex 18:21-- the first occurrence of the word.

In Lam 2:14 the word means "to see" in relation to prophets' vision: "Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity...."

As we see from the above definitions and in (Prov 29:18), vision is the source of faith in the Christians life, vision is fore-sight and in-sight that directly connects us to The Word of God. Faith is born when vision is received. Without a vision God’s people would run, wild, be lost, without restraint. When we don’t retrain The Word of God in our hearts we lose vision. Without vision there is no discipline. Without vision we don’t know who we are, we fail in life, become faithless, and we don’t have boldness.. When we tap into this vision it brings direction. Once we have received the Vision from God we must guard it because the enemy comes strongly to steal the vision of God in our life. We must guard our hearts with all diligence we do this by delighting in the vision and meditating on it daily. This changes the way we think when the way we think is changed it changes what we are. What I meditate upon I become (Psalms 119:130). Vision is my lifeline I must protect it. Vision also comes from a love for the Word of God. When I meditate on the Word of God daily vision becomes more and more clear to me (Psalms 1:1-4) I receive a revelation that no matter what comes my way the vision or the Word of God never changes. Vision is a path of faith. Vision takes fear and intimidation out of my life. Vision gives me the strength to live by faith (Hab 2:2-4) I must write the vision down that I may run with it. When I write down the vision I am able to meditate on it and I become able to walk in it. I must study The Word of God this will cause the vision to come alive in my life as it did for Abraham (Gen 15:1-6) and it also gives anchor to my faith. Vision is a supernatural restraining agent in our lives. If I begin to start thinking wrong I can know that I have lost sight of the vision, I become unstable, offended and will begin to stumble. This is why I must keep the vision in front of me and meditate on it at all times. If I stumble I will cause others to stumble as well. By meditating on the vision I allow Christ to be the head, The Word must always be first in my life. Putting the word first allows me to walk as a leader and leaders lead by example and have vision. (Ruth 1:1-16) Shows that Naomi was a leader she committed to the works of God and proved herself to be a virtuous woman. (Ruth 2:11-12 & 4:11-21) Shows that Naomi embraced the vision of God and was a portrait of purpose and destiny. This commitment to the vision brought forth David whom was an offspring of Naomi. Naomi did not lose sight of her vision she spoke the vision” The Oracles of God”. She did not allow her tongue to destroy the vision. The tongue is the governor of our life our confession. Our confession will line up with what we think “meditate upon” . We must keep the word before us (Acts 16:9-10) the word brings vision and direction. The Word has to live in us it is our protection and our strength. When the word lives in us we become a helper to a dying world!! I must be a carrier of the Word the Word is power to me and it allows me to be a proof provider to those still lost in the world. There are so many people who do not know that that all they need is The Word, A Vision, and The Gospel! The Word “vision” allows me to know the truth and no longer have questions I move into the realm of understanding my mind is being renewed. People make the wrong choice because they don’t have an understanding of the plan “vision” for their lives. In order to walk in this realm I must allow God to deliver me from my own mind and limitations .God delivers us through “vision”, (Job 33) God communicates with us through visions and dreams, Job saw that God was greater than man and that God had already had a ransom. Job had to choose to hold his peace and allow the Lord to teach him wisdom he had to see the “vision”. Job had a vision of the Cross, a vision of himself “myself” being co- crucified, co-buried, co- resurrected, and sitting together with that ransom Jesus Christ. Visualization brought forth benefits for Job in the end all was restored unto Job. Job had in the end a revelation “vision” of the circumstance from God.

( Gen 28: 10:17) Jacob had a prophetic vision a dream he saw a Gate to heaven he saw a ladder, an open door the connection of God to man. Jacob had a personal encounter with God, when he awoke from the dream he knew that God had been there. We are the seed of Jacob therefore seed to Abraham inheritors of all the blessings, to become a blessing. We are the house of God and the house of God is the gateway to heaven. We are the connection from heaven to earth “A OPEN DOOR”!. We have been given keys to this door we have the authority to lock and unlock, lock the door on the enemy and unlock the door for God to work through you on earth. We gain access to these keys through messengers,… Pastors, Prophets, Angels, Visions, Dreams, The Word of God. Through these messengers we receive vision, wisdom and revelation knowledge with understanding, a river. From this the River of God flows through me “(Rev 22:1-2) rivers of living waters “ Out of the GATES” we are an open door for God to use in this world. Allow God to run through you,.. the door lives in me “Jesus,.. I am the DOOR” I must be a deliver of people to my Father in heaven a door flowing to God a door of deliverance. We are called to be doorkeepers “ The great commission” and the Gates of hell will not prevail. Believers on earth to fulfill the Word of God , verify through your life that the Word of God is as it states “Heb 4:12 Alive and powerful sharer than any two edged sword. I want to verify that Christ is real, the same today yesterday and forever. I can do this because The Christ dwells in me. (Col 1:27) I have the indwelling of the all powerful, the creator of all things living in me. (Gal 1:4:19) I can’t be any better christian than I already am it’s not I but Christ being formed in me. I want to make known the mystery of Christ!!


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